Sunday, March 23, 2008


As of right now, there are about 90 minutes left of Easter Sunday, and I am very tired.

Every year it seems to be the same. Easter afternoon is about spending time with family, eating a bit too much, and then crashing on the couch from exhaustion. Our church had 9 services today between three locations. For me personally sometimes Easter becomes less about remembering the hope and significance of the resurrection, and more about the marathon church services that I will be involved in.

So before I lay my head on the pillow tonight, I'll reflect on what N.T. Wright said about Easter:

"Easter is about real life, not escapist fantasy. Easter is about God’s judgment, calling the world to account and setting up his new, glorious creation of freedom and peace, and summoning all people everywhere to live in this new world. Easter is about God’s rich welcome to all humankind."

So Easter is about more than 9,345 services... It's about new life, new hope, God coming to make his dwelling with man.

Sometimes in the midst of my business I forget to reflect on that...

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